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Public Speaking Contest «Speak Your Mind»

Do you consider yourself a good speaker? Can you conquer anyone with your speech, and even in a foreign language?

Then don't miss it!

The Kazakh-German University (DKU) is pleased to invite all students to participate in the annual public speaking competition «Speak Your Mind» DKU Speech Contest 2021.

The contest is held online, and you need to send a video recording of your speech to participate.


  • Type of speech: persuasive speech.
  • Duration: 5−7 minutes.
  • Level of English: B2 and higher.
  • Subject: free.

Registration of participants takes place until April 20, 2021.

To participate, send your application to: with the subject line-DKU Speech Contest 2021.

In the message body, specify:

  • Name and surname
  • University
  • Course of study
  • Language level
  • Speech title

* Summary of the speech (70−100 words)

Please send the video recording of the speech as an attached file.

The results of the competition will be announced on April 27, 2021. The winners will receive prizes and certificates!

We are waiting for you at our contest!
