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Presentation of the book «Tomorrow was too late: Environmental risks of Kazakhstan»

The presentation of the eco-book «Tomorrow was too late. Environmental risks of Kazakhstan», which is a description of the stages of implementation and the results of a research project on key environmental problems of Kazakhstan. This project was implemented by the Dosym Satpayev Private Foundation in partnership with the Kazakh-German University with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Nur-Sultan, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kazakhstan, as well as the eco-magazine Living Asia.

The eco-book was developed by Kazakhstani experts with the involvement of international consultants on topics that are separate chapters of the book: water resources management, air pollution, waste management, land degradation, biodiversity, energy resource efficiency, climate change. The book is available in Russian and Kazakh at the link in the profile description.

One of the main goals of this project was to show the direct and indirect impact of environmental threats and risks on the economy and society of Kazakhstan, as well as to offer a number of recommendations for preventing or mitigating the consequences of these threats.

Event format:

The event will be held in Nur-Sultan, in partnership with the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to attract representatives of the Ministry and raise awareness of a wide group of stakeholders on key environmental issues covered in the eco-book.

Participants of the event:

  • Representatives of key ministries dealing with environmental protection issues;

  • Representatives of scientific communities;

  • Representatives of the mass media.

The live broadcast of the event will be held on June 17, from 10: 00 to 12: 00. by the time of G. Nur-Sultan.

Link to join all interested parties:

Conference ID 918 8977 9135, password 2021

If you have any questions, please contact:
