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Online round table for Tajikistan «Programs for improving the potential in the field of clean energy»

What is the Master's program «Strategic Management of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency» (SMREEE), are there any grants and how to get them?

These and many other issues were discussed on May 26, 2021 at the online round table for Tajikistan «Programs for improving the potential in the field of clean energy».

Dr. Andreas Protmann, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Tajikistan, emphasizing the growing importance of renewable energy sources.

Patrick Mayer, Energy Advisor, COR of the USAID project «Energy in Central Asia» (USAID Power Central Asia @usaid) also greeted all those present, USAID regional Mission in Central Asia.

On the part of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan, a presentation was made on the topic «Overview of the prospects for the development of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency improvement and the needs for increasing the potential in the field of energy education».

Kazakh-German University (DKU @dkukz presented the Master's program «Strategic Management of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency» (SMREEE), which was created in close cooperation with leading universities in Germany. Read more about the program at the link

At the end of the meeting, a discussion was held at which the needs of Tajikistan for capacity building were discussed, taking into account National Plans for the Development of renewable Energy and energy efficiency.

Any other questions? Contact us:

Alexey Kobzev, Project Manager for Renewable Energy and Climate Change,
