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Online course «Academy of Environmental Economics for the teaching staff of universities in Central Asia»

Have time to register for the online course «Academy of Environmental Economics for the teaching staff of universities in Central Asia». Registration is open until March 15, 2021 inclusive.

  • Language of instruction: Russian.
  • Duration: 72 hours for 3 weeks.
  • Online platforms: Moodle and Zoom.
  • Start of training: approximately April 12, 2021

Participation in the course is free of charge.

At the end of the training, a Certificate of completion of the course is issued.

The training is conducted by the Kazakh-German University (DKU) in cooperation with the project «European Union — Central Asia: Cooperation in the field of water resources, environment and climate change» (WECOOP).

The course aims to share the experience of the European Union and Central Asia in the field of:

— green finance and innovative economic instruments,

— incentives to achieve the ambitious goals of the green economy.

Expected course outcomes:

— restructuring of existing training programs,

— mentoring in the creation of individual teaching materials.

The program of classes includes:

practical aspects of environmental economics with a focus on water resources, renewable energy and closed-loop economics, financial and economic instruments for environmental management, the interconnection of economic sectors-the NEXUS approach, the economic assessment of ecosystem services, the European Green Course and an overview of opportunities for green investment/ eco-innovation in Central Asia.

Register by following the link: http:// https:/

In case of any questions please Please contact the project coordinator Maria Genina:, 87772610798 (WhatsApp).
