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On November 17, a round table on the monetary system in Kazakhstan will be held at DKU

The Kazakh-German University congratulates Kazakhstanis on the National Currency Day and invites everyone to take part in the round table «The monetary system of the Republic of Kazakhstan: history, problems and ways of improvement», which will be held on November 17, 2021.

The initiator of the meeting was the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship of DKU.

The history of the national currency began on November 2, 1993. It was on this day that the decree of the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev «On the introduction of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan» was issued and on November 15, 1993, the national banknotes of Kazakhstan were put into circulation. In just 13 days, the money was delivered to all banks in the country. No one before Kazakhstan has managed to put a new national currency into circulation so quickly and successfully.

Do you want to discuss the topic of the national currency? Would you like to exchange views on the current situation in the field of stability of tenge, financial institutions and monetary policy of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan? Then join us offline or online.

Main speakers:

  • Doctor of Economics, Almerekov N. A., Dean of the Faculty, DKU

  • Doctor of Economics, Professor Ziyabekov B.Z., DKU

  • Doctor of Economics, Sailaubekov N.T., DKU

  • Doctor of Economics, Professor Chelekbay A.D., Kainar Academy

  • Doctor of Economics, Professor Nurseit N.A., KAU

Date: November 17, 2021

Time: 10:00 Almaty time


Conference ID: 897 5290 1172 Access code: 629589

If you have any questions, please contact the organizers: Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship, tel.: +7 727 355 05 51 (ext. 220).
