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On July 29, a meeting of DKU representatives with participants of the MINT summer online school took place

On July 29, a meeting of representatives of the Kazakh-German University with participants of the MINT summer online school in Central Asia took place. On the part of DKU, speeches were delivered by Gyuzal Aitbakieva, the manager of the Department of External and Internal Communications, and Yelena Asmus, the head of the Department on International Cooperation and Academic Mobility.

In their presentations, our colleagues told about the university and its activities, scholarships and grants, the «Double Diploma» program and academic mobility.

The participants of the meeting from the side of the summer online school were more than 40 students of the 10th grades studying MINT subjects (Mathematick, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik, which is the name of the summer school).
