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On August 21, 2021, the Summer School on the Aral Sea ended

On August 21, 2021, the Summer School on the Aral Sea ended. The program was divided into 11 days, read more about the first two days in our news feed or on the page of the DKU Institute of Natural Resources.

We present to your attention a video diary about the past events and excursions of the Summer School, collected interesting facts about the environment. Watch our video to the end and take part in a mini-challenge.

This school is the first component of the ESERA educational program called «Young leaders-a vector of change». It aims to raise environmental awareness among young people by strengthening the platform for creating a link between various initiatives that will turn words into actions, in Central Asia and beyond.

The second part of the program is devoted to increasing the potential of young specialists in the field of water resources management by conducting scientific research of ecosystems, society and economy in selected case studies of the Northern Aral Sea region. Follow the news!

In case of any questions, please contact the DKU Institute of Natural Resources.
