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On April 12, the Academy of Environmental Economics for Teaching Staff was opened

On April 12, 2021, the Academy of Environmental Economics was opened for the teaching staff of universities in Central Asia.

Dr. Barbara Janusz-Pavletta, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at DKU, and Mr. Valts Vilnitis, Head of the WECOOP Project Implementation Team, delivered welcoming speeches.

The course will be conducted until April 30, 2021 and 62 selected candidates will perform group tasks, participate in practical discussions and attend individual classes.

The aim of the course is to share the experience of the European Union and Central Asia in the field of green finance and innovative economic instruments, incentives for achieving ambitious green economy goals.

The program of classes includes:

-practical aspects of environmental economics with a focus on water resources, renewable energy and closed-cycle economics,

-financial and economic instruments of environmental management,

-interconnection of economic sectors — the NEXUS approach,

-economic assessment of ecosystem services, European Green Course

-overview of opportunities for green investment/ eco-innovation in Central Asia.

We hope for fruitful cooperation and wish all participants success!

In case of any questions please contact Balzhan Zhumagazina, DKU, and Dana Zhunisova, DKU,

Organizers: Kazakh-German University (DKU) together with the project «European Union-Central Asia: Cooperation in the field of water resources, environment and climate change» (WECOOP).
