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On 22 April, a round table discussion on «Prevention and avoidance of school conflicts in Almaty» was held

The round table was held within the discipline Project Work-2 and with the support and assistance of the Republican House of Friendship and Centre for Mediation and Law Parasat. It was organized by second year DKU students of the International Relations education program: Yana Zhilkishina, Aibar Seytkaliev and Mariyam Baldekova.

The participants were principals, form masters, school psychologists and teachers of 19 schools of Almaty: 109, 43, 148, 56, 109, 83, 101, 43, 57, 80, 143, 110, 102, 177, 148, 108, 3, 66 and 129.

The event took place in an online format and included:

  • A research report prepared by a group of students that reflected on issues such as: the concept of school conflict, its main causes and how it differs from bullying. The report was based on an interview with child psychologist Gavrilchenko I.V. as well as an analysis of specialist research on the issue.
  • Presentation of the 'method of restorative circles' as an effective tool for solving conflict situations. The moderators took the case of a conflict between schoolchildren to show the application of this method in practice.
  • Presentation of possible preventive measures that can help to reduce conflicts in the future.

Participants took an active part in the lively discussion and shared their experiences of conflict resolution. It was interesting to learn about the experience of creating response units in a school in Almaty to deal with conflict situations.

Guests of the meeting also said that the meeting was informative, and the topic was very relevant.

At the end of the online round table, all participants received certificates from the Republican House of Friendship, the Kazakh-German University and the Mediation Centre Parasat.
