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Memorandum of Understanding between DKU and AUPET named after. G. Daukeev

On May 14, 2021, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Educational Institution Kazakh-German University and the Non-profit Joint-Stock Company Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev.

The purpose of this Memorandum is to develop cooperation in the field of education and research and to promote mutual understanding between the two universities.

To achieve the purpose of this Memorandum, the Parties agree to cooperate with each other in the following areas:

  • academic exchange (mobility) of bachelors, teachers and researchers for training, short-and long-term internships, professional practices on the basis of a contract;
  • cooperation in the preparation of joint educational programs of double diplomas at the bachelor's and master's levels, which will result in the issuance of diplomas of the Parties;
  • inviting representatives of the Parties to give lectures, exchange experience and information on educational and methodological work, as well as curricula and programs;
  • conducting lectures, master classes (in the «online» mode, among others) by the teaching and administrative staff of the Parties;
  • conducting joint conferences, seminars, symposiums, round tables, days dedicated to the Parties and other initiatives in the field of education;
  • exchange of publications, scientific research, educational and methodological literature, periodicals, and information about ongoing events.

Also, special attention was paid to the activities on renewable energy, namely mini-hydroelectric power plants and hydrogen fuel.

Every year, within the framework of the project «Educational trip to learn the best practices of using renewable energy sources Renewable Energy Trip 2020», DKU conducts an expedition to renewable energy facilities. As a result, a film about the expedition and a collection of case studies of the best practices of using renewable energy in Kazakhstan was created.

We thank Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev for the openness to a new partnership!

We hope for a fruitful cooperation!
