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Join the DKU telegram channel with current vacancies and offers

Dear DKU students and graduates!
Are you looking for a job or are you interested in developing your soft&hard skills?
Then subscribe to our telegram channel @DKU_karriere_, where we share information about current vacancies, internships and various programs.

Already now you will find:
-Vacancies for novice professionals in ForteBank JSC;
— The acceptance of applications for practice in JSC Technodom;
— Policy Assistant position for The European Union Delegation to Kazakhstan;
— Youth Practice in NCE RK Atameken;
— A course on UX-UI design for girls. Girls Power Foundation;
— Equipment sales manager. Multivac GmbH in Kazakhstan.

In order to receive information on available vacancies, internships and development programs, go to our Telegram channel and subscribe. Link:
