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Important information for 1st year undergraduate and graduate students!

Dear DKU undergraduate and graduate students!

We inform you that based on the decision of the Interdepartmental Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science the educational process in the summer semester of the 2020−2021 academic year for students of the 1st year of bachelor's and master's degrees will be held in a mixed format.

This format involves conducting classes partially online and offline (the classic form of conducting classes in the classroom). 2−3-year undergraduate students and 2-year graduate students continue their studies in an online format.

According to the academic calendar for the 2020−2021 academic year of study 2 semester start: 1st year BA students — 25 January 2021, for 1-year MA students — February 1, 2021. The schedule of classes for the 2nd semester of the 2020−2021 academic year will be available no later than 2 weeks before the start of the semester. We will inform you about all changes in the educational process in addition.

For its part, DKU ensures compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards in educational buildings and premises:

  • providing a mask regime;
  • ensuring social distancing
  • conducting a regular quartz treatment procedure
  • providing body temperature control at the entrance to the building and during a day
  • ensuring the smooth operation of medical and technical services.

Changes in the training format are possible with the deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Almaty.

Please follow DKU's official social media accounts and email for more information.

In case of any questions, please contact Academic department by phone: 355 05 51, ext. 222/924 or by e-mail:
