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How our students studied the course «Project Planning and Management»

How to plan, launch, manage and complete projects?

Our undergraduates of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) program learned about this during the course «Project Planning and Management», which they took during the summer semester with Professor Heinrich Wyes.

The course participants developed their own project plans in groups. An important stage was the distribution of responsibilities and roles within the project team, as well as monitoring and evaluation methods.

The final documents on their projects included:

  • project description,

  • the specification of the target group,

  • possible financiers,

  • time plan,

  • budget.

The course has become an important step for every undergraduate, as their further professional activity is related to the projects' implementation.

Professor Heinrich Wyes has more than 30 years of experiences in international organizations, academia, civil society, the private sector as well as with governmental organizations, holding senior positions with international, regional and bilateral organizations.

Professor Heinrich Wyes is a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam, Germany, addressing the interface between Circular Economy and Industry 4.0. The Professor has 12 publications ???, including a toolkit for WHO policymakers and a handbook on circular economics and sustainable lifestyles in the ASEAN region (Association of South East Asian Nations).

One of the IWRM students shared her opinion on the course:

«Heinrich Wyes is a very positive teacher for me. I can only give his job positive feedback, for example, his courses contained interesting materials, an accessible explanation of project planning. The lectures were short-term, everything was well explained, from the idea of the project to financing, as well as self-financing of the project”.
