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Guest meeting with David Mashuri on Learning Agility and Leadership Development

On October 29, DKU hosted a guest meeting with the head of the HR Department of BAT — David Mashuri on the topic of Learning Agility and Leadership Development.

During the meeting, David Mashuri shared his knowledge about self-development, and the participants also learned:

  • what is Learning Agility and how can you develop it in yourself;
  • what is the difference between a highly effective employee/person and an employee with high potential.

Learning Agility develops not when something is actively studied in theory, but when an action is performed in practice. This phrase means «learning by experience» — the ability and desire to learn and develop new successful models and transfer successful experience to new tasks, adjusting to the current request. This helps in development and promotion, in gaining new experience and in developing new strategies.

The meeting was very informative and to consolidate everything studied, an interactive quiz was held at the end of the meeting, the winners of which received memorable gifts from BAT.

We thank our participants and guest speaker Mr. David Mashuri.

New meetings with interesting speakers are waiting for you ahead, stay tuned!
