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Ecothon 2022 competition opened at DKU

Last Saturday, the opening of the Ecothon competition took place at the Kazakh-German University.

The event started with welcome speech from the project coordinator Inna Matveyenko and the moderator Nailya Saniyazova. Further, according to the program, the participants and guests of the event got to know each other to form future teams, and also got acquainted with the conditions for participation in the competition.

In addition, at this meeting «Pre-Alpha — Initial Development» presentations were made by leading experts:

«Zero waste (zero waste) as a lifestyle or Stop disposable (how to replace disposable things with reusable alternatives)»

  • Dina Ogay — Co-founder of @HelloEcokz — the first zero waste store and eco-consulting in Kazakhstan, mentor of the republican and international eco-hackathons on green startups, eco-blogger

«Projects, communities and people in solving the garbage problem in Kazakhstan»

  • Aliya Salmenova — co-founder of Recycle BIRGE, director of the public fund «», environmentalist and eco-volunteer

  • Pakizat Saylaubekova is a co-founder of Recycle BIRGE, project manager, environmentalist, eco-consultant and eco-volunteer.

It should be noted that as part of the speeches of the speakers, practical exercises were carried out. For example, waste sorting. And in the second part of the event, the Nature of Kazakhstan art interactive took place, during which the participants formed teams and created various installations from the available materials. The interactive moderator was Saltanat Tashimova.

At the end, presentations of installations and summing up the results of the first meeting «Pre-Alpha — initial development» took place. In turn, the participants of the competition proceed to the next stage «Alpha — internal development», during which it is necessary to prepare a presentation of the idea and preliminary calculations.

We wish the teams good luck!
