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Dr. Dagmar Rokita from the University of HAW Hamburg received DKU Diploma of Honorary Professor

We received the first photo report from Germany from one of the lecturers who received the DKU Diploma of Honorary professor!

At the beginning of this year, by the decision of the Academic Council of DKU, for a significant contribution to the development of the university and the popularization of the university at the international level, a number of our lecturers from Germany were awarded diplomas of approval in the academic title of Honorary Professor of the Kazakh-German University.

Dr. Dagmar Rokita from the University of HAW Hamburg received her diploma and shared with us her photos and impressions:

«Meine ganze Familie war dabei, als ich das Päckchen geöffnet habe. Ich freue mich sehr über die Anerkennung und die schöne Urkunde mit dem edlen Samt und der goldenen Schrift.», «My whole family was there when I opened the diploma package. I am very pleased with the recognition, the honorary and beautiful diploma in a noble velvet with gold lettering.»

Congratulations and hope for our further fruitful cooperation!
