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DKU students participated in Career And Life Formula seminars

From March 18 to 20, 2021, the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of DKU together with CILT Kazakhstan with the support of the USAID Project on Competitiveness, Trade and Job Creation in Central Asia (CTJ) held seminars for 2nd-year students of the educational programs «Transport Logistics» and «Production Logistics"within the framework of the CALF (Career And Life Formula) PROGRAM.

The speakers of the seminar were:

  1. Marina Kuznetsevskaya — General Director of the airline's representative office in Kazakhstan Fly Dubai, Chairman of WiLAT Central Asia.
  2. Oksana Tsoi is a CILT HR Management expert.
  3. Aizhan Beiseeva-Head of the Transport and Logistics Department of the USAID Project on Competitiveness, Trade and Job Creation in Central Asia, Deputy Chairman of WiLAT Central Asia.

We thank all the speakers and organizers of this seminar and hope for further fruitful cooperation!
