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DKU on how our MA students from Afganistan do their internship

The research internship of our MA students of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) program continues.

This time we want to tell you how the internship goes for undergraduates from Afghanistan.

For example, Hejran Hejrat is an intern in the Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (DAIL) and the Logar River Basin Authority. Here is what he says about his internship: «I am currently investigating the Syako-Karez recharge and flood control dam to find problems with irrigation systems before construction and outcomes of the dam after construction. I am assessing the irrigation systems in the region, measuring water losses across the different canals and interviews with Irrigation associations»

His compatriot Abir Ahmad Sajood has an internship at the Faculty of Earth Sciences at Kabul University, and also shares his impressions with us: «Thanks to the place of practice, I have access to modern laboratories equipped with modern technology. Using equipment and tools helps me expand my knowledge, present and develop my findings, and complete my dissertation. I am glad that I was warmly welcomed by the professors, teachers, laboratory assistants and students of the university.»

In turn, Moshfak Timori is trained in the Directorate of the Harirod Murghab River basin and the Directorate of the Herat sub-basin of Harirod, the Department of Water Resources Management, and with great interest tells about his practice the following: «I peruse my practical work regarding water resources management and (GIS-RS) applications. Since the Department of Water Resources Management contributes to the rehabilitation, modernization and development of irrigation and water resources infrastructure, this greatly helps in my research within the framework of my master's thesis.»

Another DKU master's student, Abdal Saed Shaker Shah, is doing an internship in the Surface Water Division of the General Water Resources Administration (NWARA) and here is what he says about his practical tasks: «I continue my practical work on hydrological data, as well as on calculating the maximum probability of flooding based on data recorded by the hydrological station.»

We wish our master's students the most useful practice for the best consolidation of the acquired knowledge.
