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DKU graduate student Liana Bokaeva spoke at the GREEN WEBINAR platform seminar

Our Master's student of the program «Strategic Management of renewable energy and energy efficiency” Liana Bokaeva presented the topic «Taxonomy in the EU, international experience, thresholds and criteria that do not cause significant harm» at the GREEN WEBINAR platform seminar.

GREEN WEBINAR is an initiative of the NTR and NTS office of the International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects, where environmental experts can share fundamental knowledge in this area on an educational platform. The topic of this webinar was «Application of green taxonomy for financial institutions, public organizations and business representatives». The online seminar was organized for students, undergraduates, doctoral students and experts in the field of ecology.

On this platform, Liana shared her experience in developing threshold values of the taxonomy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, obtained while working at the NAO «MZTIP”. In her speech, she gave a comparison of EU taxonomies, China, Russia and Kazakhstan to discuss the rules of the mechanism and application of green taxonomy in different countries at the legislative level.

It is important to mention that the taxonomy itself was developed in 2019 by the Technical Expert Group of the European Union, which consists of more than 200 experts. According to the EU Commission, at the moment, thresholds and taxonomy criteria have been developed for only two purposes, the rest are still being worked on.

For reference: «Green» taxonomy is a classification of «green» projects to be financed through «green» bonds and «green» loans, developed by the authorized body in the field of environmental protection and approved by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The SMREEE Master's Degree program at DKU differs from all universities in Central Asia in that it is the only specialized Master's degree program in the field of renewable energy management and energy efficiency.

Objectives of the EU Taxonomy:

1) climate change mitigation,

2) adaptation to climate change,

3) sustainable use and protection of water resources,

4) transition to a circular economy,

5) pollution prevention and control,

6) protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems of the type of activity.

An important feature of the Master's program «Strategic Management of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency» (SMREEE) at the Kazakh-German University is the transfer of German experience to Kazakhstan and Central Asia in general.

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