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Congratulations to the winners of the ECOTHON eco-project competition

On April 13, 2022, the winners of the first ECOTHON eco-project competition among DKU students were awarded at the Kazakh-German University.

According to the results of the competition, grants for the implementation of their projects were received:

1. Sofia Dauletbakova with the Kleiderwerkstatt project — A new life for old T-shirts!

2. Orynbasar Zhuldyz, Ruslan Rustamov with «Composting food waste” project — Processing of organic waste and production of fertilizer «Biohumus”.

The competition was held with the support of the permanent partner of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.

All participants were awarded branded prizes from DKU and certificates. Congratulations and wish you further success!

Ecothon aims to promote the development of environmental and social entrepreneurship among DKU students, providing an influx of innovative environmental ideas to increase the sustainability of DKU development and improve the overall atmosphere of the university.

The competition was initiated by the Center for Resources and Sustainable Development of the Kazakh-German University.

Don't miss the ECOTHON #2 contest this fall! Stay tuned for our updates!
