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An Online Workshop «New solutions for urban logistics» was held

On April 30, 2021, an online workshop on «New solutions for urban logistics” was held, organized by the Communication and Transfer Center for Logistics DKU LogCentre. This workshop is part of a project aimed at promoting new sustainable solutions focused on increasing the use of Cargo Bike and local logistics hubs in Kazakhstan.

The workshop was attended by students of seven universities of Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of transport companies and representatives of the Akimat.

The speaker of the seminar was Tom Assmann, Head of the research group at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Tom is an expert in urban logistics planning, new technologies for sustainable logistics.

The seminar participants discussed the following topics:

  • The urgent need for urban transformation;
  • Problems of urban logistics;
  • A brief theory of urban logistics;
  • Overview of green urban logistics.

Changes in urban logistics are important for improving the environmental situation of cities. To achieve Sustainable Development Goals of the city, a number of tools will be needed: influence on the general values of society, digitalization, development of a stimulating lifestyle, improvement of the city's infrastructure, and the use of green technologies.

During the discussion, several main problems of Almaty city logistics were identified. Among them: the lack of the necessary infrastructure, a large number of traffic jams, the lack of a sufficient number of bike paths, the restriction of the traffic rules regarding bicycle roads in Kazakhstan, the connectivity of infrastructure and safety in one network.

The participants of the seminar concluded that the presence of problems should not hinder development but be a motivator in finding solutions.

The speaker of the seminar, Tom Assmann, suggested the following solutions:

  • Use of existing (street) infrastructure.
  • Reducing the flow of automobile traffic.
  • Create enough space for logistics and active travel modes.
  • Increased capacity and quality for active mobility modes.
  • Reconstruction of streets for the purpose of quiet and comfortable traffic.
  • Avoiding the new extensive infrastructure.

At the next seminar, other proposals of participants on optimizing urban logistics will be presented, including in the direction of «Cargo bicycles and their modifications necessary for use in the urban logistics system, by analyzing various examples from the practice of cities around the world”.

Date of the second workshop: May 27, 2021

Time: 15:00 to 17:00 (Nur-Sultan time).

Topic: Cargo bike-old new car for urban logistics.

Register via the link:
