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Acceptance of documents for the military department will last until August 5, 2021

DKU students who want to pass the military department can apply for participation in the competitive selection for the military department at JSC «KAZUMOIMYA named after Abylai Khan».

Military training under the reserve officers' program is carried out on a state educational order and on a paid basis, and under the reserve sergeants program is carried out only on a paid basis.

Students of universities with military departments who have passed the conditions of the competition are allowed to study on a free basis under the state order, and students who have also passed the conditions of the competition and recommended by the commission in accordance with the number of places allocated by the military department are allowed to study on a paid basis. Students accepted for training at the military department are potential candidates for military service by conscription and make the corresponding commitment.

Students from other universities are allowed to study for a fee, in accordance with the recruitment plan.

Acceptance of documents by the military department ends on August 5, 2021.

Students under the age of 24 are allowed to participate in the competition for the year of the competition.

The competition for the selection of students for training at the military department is carried out in four stages:

the first stage is the passage of a medical examination;

the second stage — conducting professional and psychological testing;

the third stage is a test of physical fitness;

the fourth stage is a competitive selection.

Passing each stage of the competition is allowed once.

The work of the selection committee is planned for the period from 16 to 26 August 2021.

For training under the reserve officer training program, documents are accepted from students of the first (with 4-year training) and second courses (with 5-year training).

For training under the reserve sergeants training program, documents are accepted from students of the first, second (with 4-year training) and first, second, third courses (with 5-year training).

Military training is completed with a training camp (professional practice) a year before the end of training at the university.

A student who has expressed a desire to participate in the competition for training at the military department arrives at the military department and makes an application with the following documents attached:

1. Identity card (original and copy).

2. Military registration certificate or military ID card (original and copy).

3. photos 3×4 cm (pcs).

4. Certificate of the presence or absence of a criminal record.

5. A document (if any) confirming a sporting achievement.

6. A certificate of the actual training of the student at the university.

To pass a medical examination, students at the military department are issued medical examination cards. Medical examination of students is carried out in the local military authorities from February 1 of the year of admission. To participate in the competitive selection, the results of the medical examination are submitted to the military department no later than August 5, 2021.

Students who have not passed a medical examination are not allowed to participate in the competition.

Physical fitness of students is evaluated by the results of passing the standards for physical culture:

Standards of physical education for young students

# i/n.

Control exercises






«3» (satisfactory)


100 m running (s)





3000 m running (min)





Pull-up on a high crossbar (number of times)




Physical education standards for female students

# i/n.

Control exercises






«3» (satisfactory)


100 m running (s)





2000 m running (min)





Lifting the torso from the supine position, hands behind the head (number of times)




Students who do not score 8 points on the sum of passing three standards are considered not to have passed the competition stage.

Professional psychological testing of students is conducted in computer classes and includes testing the level of motivation, stress resistance, critical and logical thinking.

Students who are ranked from the first number to the number corresponding to the number of allocated places according to the recruitment plan are allowed to study at the military department for free.

A student who does not agree with the results of the stages of the competition, on the same day, applies with a written application (in any form) to the chairman of the selection committee.

The presentation of the military department is available here.

Additional information can be obtained by phone: 233−78−68, 8701−400−65−44 or on the official website of the Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages in the section «Military department» on the main page or by following the link:
