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About distance learning of undergraduates of the program «Integrated Water Resources Management»

In 2020, the entire education system was switched to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many administrative, educational and research processes at the university needed changes. Students also had to adapt to new systems and communications with teachers and classmates.
We really hope that in the next academic year 2021−2022, our undergraduates will be able to come to Almaty and attend classes offline, as it was before.

In the meantime, our master's student of the Integrated Water Resources Management program, Aziz Khaidarov, spoke about the impact of isolation on the educational process in the public @daadkz.

Below is a quote from his interview:
«The pandemic forced me to return to Uzbekistan at the end of April 2020. At first, I was worried that I would have to interrupt my studies, but all the courses were transferred to online training. I was curious about what it would be like to learn in a new way! However, my expectations were not quite fulfilled: I miss personal contact, and I can concentrate better on face-to-face classes. In addition, we often have problems with electricity supply and internet connection. As a result, I can't log in on time or the sound quality leaves much to be desired.»

We remind you!

In a recent post «The impact of the pandemic on the education system at DKU», we presented a report on the implementation of our innovative activities and practices.
Link to the post:

Link to the report:
