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A round table on the topic «Results of the implementation of the Master’s program 7M11316 — Resource-saving production logistics» will be held at DKU

On October 16, 2021, a round table on the topic «Results of the implementation of the Master's program 7M11316 — Resource-saving production logistics» will be held at DKU.

The organizer is the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies of the Kazakh-German University (FIIIT DKU).

  • Format: online on the ZOOM platform

  • Time: from 12:20 to 14:00 (Almaty time)

The moderators are the lecturers of Faculty of DKU: Ph.D., Associate Professor — Garmash O.V. and Ph.D., Associate Professor — Tyulubaeva D.M.

Reports of the meeting:

  • About the project «Development of a master's program based on the Bologna principles on resource-saving production logistics».

Speaker: Kegenbekov Zh.K.

  • Discussion of the results of the Master's program 7M11316 — Resource-saving production logistics: achieved results, difficulties, strengths and weaknesses of the program.

Participants: The first graduates of the educational program

  • Employer reviews.

1 Merembayeva Akbota — Logistics and customs Manager, Huawei technologies Kazakhstan 2 Mezentseva Elena Vladimirovna — Deputy Director for Operational Issues of «IPL Kazakhstan» LLP

  • Necessary measures and conditions for further implementation and quality improvement of OP 7M11316 — Resource-saving production logistics in accordance with the needs of stakeholders.

Don't miss it!

Connect to the Zoom Conference

  • Conference ID: 891 797 2597

  • Access code: 123

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