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A round table «Programs for improving the potential in the field of clean energy» was held for young specialists of Uzbekistan

A round table «Programs for increasing the potential in the field of clean energy” was held for young specialists of Uzbekistan. Representatives of the Kazakh-German University told the participants why it is worth applying to us for the master's program «Strategic Management of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency» (SMREEE).

Also, a number of issues that interested our potential master's students were discussed at the online meeting:

  • What is the peculiarity of the @dkukz approach when training young specialists in the field of renewable energy?

  • How do @dkukz professors transfer knowledge and skills?

  • What is included in this educational program?

  • How do I get funding?

Within the framework of the round table, the participants not only discussed the importance of the development of renewable energy and the environmental sphere of Uzbekistan, but also outlined concrete steps that need to be taken for sustainable development, taking into account National Plans for the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The welcoming speech to the participants was made by:

  • Jahongir Talipov, Head of the Department of International Cooperation, State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Ecology and Environmental Protection;

  • Patrick Mayer, Energy Advisor, USAID Power Central Asia, USAID Regional Mission in Central Asia.

The speakers took an active part in the discussion of education and capacity building programs:

  • Nuritdin Matchanov, Director of the National Research Institute of Renewable Energy Sources under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

  • Alexey Kobzev, Project Manager for Renewable Energy and Climate Change, Kazakh-German University (DKU);

  • Bayan Abylkairova, Deputy Head of the USAID Power Central Asia program;

  • Representatives of leading organizations in the energy and ecology of Uzbekistan.

The round table was completed by Barbara Janusz-Pavletta, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Kazakh-German University (DKU), who summarized all the important points of the discussion on the master's program, and also thanked all the participants for the development of cooperation and interesting presentations.

In case of any questions please contact us:

Alexey Kobzev, Project Manager for Renewable Energy and Climate Change,
