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A meeting dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at DKU

A meeting dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at DKU with a witness and participant of the events of 1986 — Executive Ayman Akhashovna.

The moderator of the online meeting was the teacher of the history of Kazakhstan — Imanbekova Alfiya Amangeldienva.

Alfiya Amangeldienva conducted a historical sketch and covered the chronicle of the events of 1986. The participants plunged into the history of 35 years ago and learned more about the events of that time, about how it influenced the formation of independent Kazakhstan.

In turn, Ayman Akhashovna shared her personal story about the beginning of the December events and their development, as well as what followed them after the suppression of the peaceful assembly.

This online meeting showed the interest of students in the history and formation of independent Kazakhstan, indifference to the participants of these events.

We thank all the participants of the meeting!
