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A Round Table on Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency was held at DKU on 5 May 2021

On 5 May 2021, Kazakh-German University (DKU) hosted a Round table on «Energy saving, energy efficiency improvement, renewable energy sources: state, problems and prospects”.

The purpose of the event: exchange of experience in the training of qualified specialists in the field of energy conservation, in conducting energy audits, in the use of energy-saving technologies, renewable energy sources.

The participants were representatives of universities of Kazakhstan and Germany, international organizations, business associations.

The welcoming speech was delivered by:

  • Serik Beimenbetov, Vice-Rector for Science and Technology Transfer, DKU;
  • Zhandos Kegenbekov, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, DKU.

The program included speeches by speakers:

  • Madina Shavdinova, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at DKU, Moderator;
  • Sharipov Rashid Zhapparovich, PhD, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, DKU;
  • Umyshev D. R., PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Energy, Satbayev University;
  • Valery Slavikovsky, Commercial Director of ReEnergy Trade LLP;
  • Kudrevich Olga Olegovna, Deputy Director, Head of the Center for Technical Standardization of the Scientific and Production Republican Unitary Enterprise Stroytechnorm, Minsk, Republic of Belarus;
  • Chuchvaga N. A., PhD, Senior Researcher, Institute of Physics and Technology LLP;
  • Paula Baptista, Architect of energy-efficient buildings, Germany.

At the end of the Round Table, an active discussion took place, during which the issues of using renewable energy sources, energy saving and improving energy efficiency in housing and communal services and in production, the impact on changing people's consciousness in the use of energy resources and the introduction of new technologies into existing energy production and energy consumption systems were touched upon.

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