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08.17.2020 an online meeting of the World Bank project on innovative technologies for landscape restoration was held

17 august 2020 the inception (online) was held with partners from the Republic of Uzbekistan in the frame of «The Disruptive technology innovation challenge for landscape restoration in the Aral Sea watershed (Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan)” Project.

The Project is developed by the World Bank in partnership with the Kazakh-German University and the Global Landscape Forum (GLF) and financed by the CAWEP trust-fund.

Aim of the meeting is to introduce the main stages of the Project, as well as to identify the following steps of the Project implementation in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Participants of the meeting were presented by the following organizations: State committee on forestry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Secretariat for Environment and Development of the Aral Sea Region under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, International Innovation Centre for Aral Sea Basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, Karakalpak state university, also representatives from the World Bank, Kazakh-German University and the Global landscapes forum. In total more than forty participants attended.

The meeting showed the participants' interest in the development of innovative technologies and approaches to restore the environment in the Aral region. In particular, among the priorities for the introduction of technologies were mentioned the inventory, improving the survival rate of forest plantations, identifying sites suitable for forests, testing of saline plants. Also, the need to recover from the consequences of COVID-19 was highlighted, as well as the need to involve social innovations.

Project information:

Project is aimed at identifying regional and international level disruptive technologies and innovative approaches beneficial for the Aral Sea region.

Project will be implemented in the period from August 2020 till June 2021. Participants of the Project can be both from Central Asia and international.

Expected results: identification and collection at regional and international level disruptive technologies and innovative approaches beneficial for the Aral Sea region.

For additional information please contact with Balzhan Zhumagazina, Project manager, Kazakh-German University,
