

DKU Talks «Does transitional justice contribute to peace and reconciliation after the end of violent conflicts?»

The German-Kazakh University invites all interested parties to the DKU Talks with Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker from Philipps University of Marburg on topic «Does transitional justice contribute to peace and reconciliation after the end of violent conflicts?».

Dr. Thorsten Bonacker is professor for peace and conflict studies at the University of Marburg. He is co-director of the Center for Conflict Studies. He has also taught as a guest lecturer at Universities in Innsbruck, Frankfurt and Almaty. He received his PhD from the University of Oldenburg and is member of steering committee of the collaborative research cluster «Dynamics of Security» at the Universities of Marburg und Giessen as well as of the research network «Re-Configuration. History, remembrance and transformation processes in the Middle East and North Africa”. In his research he brings together perspectives from sociology and political science in the field of international relations. In his current projects he is engaging with discourses and practices of security in internationalized state building, the role of victims in transitional justice and the contested localization of sexual and reproductive rights.

DKU Talks is financed by DAAD from funds offered by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Frau Aisulu Beken
Tel.: 355−05−51 (ext. *233)
Mob.: +7 707 625 42 55
