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DKU Roundtable: Global flows, local agency: strategies and actors counterbalancing peripherality in shrinking urban areas in Central Asia and the South Caucasus

On July 31 — August 1, the German-Kazakh University held a two-day roundtable «Global flows, local agency: strategies and actors counterbalancing peripherality in shrinking urban areas in Central Asia and the South Caucasus». The roundtable was organized together with the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig (Germany) in the framework of a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research and was aimed to present preliminary findings of an international research project that inquires into the survival and adaptation strategies of local communities in the former Soviet mining cities across Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Georgia. In addition, the roundtable sought to facilitate an informed discussion of problems faced by the local residents in the mining cities and possible solutions. The event accommodated a scholarly audience from Kazakhstan, Germany, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan as well as policy makers, media, and students. More information about the research project and the roundtable can be found in the report written by Karina Turan for the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung at http://daz.asia/blog/schangatas-man-hat-den-eindruck-dass-die-lage-hoffnungslos-ist/, and http://daz.asia/blog/bergbaustaedte-einst-industriezentren-der-sowjetunion-heute-am-existenzlimit/.
