Шрифт өлшемі:

Түс схемасы:

А roundtable on «Global flows, local agency: strategies and actors counterbalancing peripherality in shrinking urban areas of Central Asia and the

The Kazakh-German University together with the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig (Germany) is organising a roundtable on «Global flows, local agency: strategies and actors counterbalancing peripherality in shrinking urban areas of Central Asia and the South Caucasus?” in the frame of the BMBF-funded project «Survival strategies under conditions of extreme peripheralisation: Mining cities in Central Asia and the South Caucasus”.

The roundtable will take place on 31 July — 01 August 2019 in the Kazakh-German University, Pushkin Street 111, Room #27. The aim of the roundtable is to present the current findings of an international research project on survival strategies in peripheral mining cities throughout the former Soviet Union, and to discuss the issues and problems related to mining cities, shrinking cities in order to find possible solutions for these places. The event will accommodate a scholarly audience alongside policy makers, business, students, and interested citizens alike. Please find enclosed the information letter along with the draft program of the event.

For additional information please contact: Mr. Serik Beimenbetov (phone: +7 727 355 0551 (ext. 328); e-mail: beimenbetov@dku.kz); Mrs. Akbota Saduakassova (phone: +7 727 355 05 51 (ext. 234; e-mail: saduakassovaa@dku.kz).

Informanion Letter
