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Grand Opening Ceremony of the «Solar School»

Throughout many years Kazakhstan-German University closely cooperates with Gymnasium № 18.

On September 2, 2022 a grand opening ceremony of «Solar school» took place in Gymnasium № 18.

The Solar Schools project gives students a unique opportunity to become engines of progress, contribute to modern technology and conservation, and become part of the global movement for a clean future, green energy and sustainable development.

After the ceremony, the 10th and 11th grade students met with professors from Germany!

Marketing Professor Sebastian Zipps, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Dr. Rokita Dagmar, HAW Hamburg and Professor Carsten Westarp, Technische Universität Hamburg gave a career talk to the high school students.

Such meetings help the students decide in good time on their choice of university, learn more about the professions they are interested in, and get new and useful information.
