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Resources for finding a job

How to find a dream job?

To find a job that will satisfy your needs, ensure development and growth is not always easy. We recommend you to have patience and to consult the Career Centre of our university.

To search for vacancies, we advise you to consult the following resources:

  • is one of the most popular services for job search;
  • is a job search service with a special philosophy that the best specialists should be working at the best companies;
  • is the world's largest social network for business communication. Creating a profile on LinkedIn, you get access to information about professionals from various sectors, vacancies, news, and updates. All this will help you in your professional activities;
  • is a service for job search functioning as a search engine. It indexes current vacancies from the career websites, recruitment agencies and official websites of companies free of charge. You can search jobs around the world;
  • is a resource for those seeking work and internship in Germany.