Главная Новости Выпускницы Казахстанско-Немецкого Университета получили Международную парламентскую стипендию

Выпускницы Казахстанско-Немецкого Университета получили Международную парламентскую стипендию

Graduates of the Kazakh-German University educational program "International Relations" Mukhamedjan Nadira, Serikova Symbat and Pulnikova Victoria are currently interning in the Bundestag!

They have received the International Parliamentary Scholarship. This prestigious program has been running since 1986 and annually awards up to 120 scholarships to young university graduates from 50 countries.

Video interviews on this topic with our alumnae can be viewed in Kazakh and Russian at the links:

KZ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdemdchB2Tk

RU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=antMT-LLeI0

We congratulate our alumnae and wish them further success!