Mission and Strategy

We are an international university that trains in-demand bilingual professionals who are able to apply the advantages of German education in practice to achieve career and academic growth.

We contribute to the sustainable development of Central Asia through the integration of education and science and make a significant contribution to strengthening scientific and cultural cooperation between Kazakhstan and Germany.

The goals of the Kazakh-German University

• We are an international network university inspired by Humboldt's idea of an university.

• In Central Asia, we combine science, society and culture into a unique system of education, research and transfer.

• We inspire students, teachers and scientists to contribute to the social and economic prosperity, as well as the sustainable development of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

• We are committed to our bi-national heritage and are an independent academic organization.

• Based on the Kazakh-German Intergovernmental Agreement, we are the flagship project of scientific relations between the two countries.

DKU's strategy

focuses on the transition/transfer and development of innovative technologies of the future

In accordance with the DKU strategy, we have the following priority areas of development:

More information about our development strategy can be found at the link

DKU Principles
1. Quality and autonomy

The structure of the university is based on the German principles of university autonomy. However, they are not an end in themselves. Autonomy is provided so that the quality of science at DKU can develop in the best possible way. The autonomy of the university and the highest standards of scientific quality are the basis of teaching, research and transfer at the university:

● We are a learning organization and we are constantly improving the quality of our scientific activities. Our quality assurance, accreditation and evaluation system guarantees this.

● We also place high demands on our services. Our quality standards are based on the best practices of the best universities in Europe and Germany.

2. Kazakhstan and Germany

The University promotes the establishment of contacts between German and Kazakh culture and science. The bi-national heritage characterizes the university's activities. The governing bodies of DKU regularly include citizens of Kazakhstan and Germany. We serve as a bridge for scientific and cultural exchange between Germany and Kazakhstan:

● Learning foreign languages and acquiring intercultural competencies is a central element of our university. We pay special attention to German, English, Russian and Kazakh languages. A special role in this The relationship with the German language and culture plays a role.

● We promote international mobility of our students and staff, in particular mobility between Kazakhstan and Germany.

● We are supported by a consortium of German universities.

● We cooperate with German cultural institutions in Kazakhstan.

3. Responsibility to society

Without science, the social challenges of the 21st century cannot be solved on a large or small scale, which are brought about by climate change, digitalization and globalization. DKU is responsible for the sustainable development of the world and in this regard:

● Education, research and transfer at DKU focuses on issues that relate to social, economic and technological change in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

● At DKU, scientists from different disciplines teach and conduct collaborative research on an interdisciplinary basis to contribute to the solution problems and aspects of social, economic and technological changes in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

● The guiding principles of DKU's activities are the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Agenda.

4. University culture

For students, researchers, teachers, administrative and managerial staff, joint work at the university is regulated not only by the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also by internal acts of DKU, regulations, rules and instructions, but is also based on a common understanding of values that are mandatory for all. We are developing an open university culture: Appreciation, respect, tolerance, honesty and openness define our cooperation. In order to achieve our goals, we undertake a common responsibility for the development of our organizational and management structures.

● Everyone who teaches, researches and studies at the university must follow the rules of good scientific practice.

● We encourage strengths and talents. We ensure equal opportunities and non-discrimination, and pay attention to the health and safety of our students and staff. We are a responsible employer.

● We make sure that there is no corruption at the university.

● Together we contribute to making the university campus an attractive place for learning, research, transfer and dialogue with society.

5. Study and teaching

Studying at DKU is a high—quality academic education according to German standards, the curricula of which are developed in cooperation with German universities. Visiting professors and teachers from Germany are involved in teaching. We provide our students with a high level of professional qualifications in accordance with German standards. Our educational program prepares students for professional success:

● We instill intercultural competencies and foreign language skills languages for working in international professional fields.

● We offer a double degree with German partner universities in all our bachelor's degree programs and, in the future, in Master's degree programs.

● We promote personal development and teach independent and responsible behavior, as well as analytical thinking.

● Sustainable development perspectives are an integral part of the program. Our students learn to think and act based on an interdisciplinary approach.

● We use innovative teaching methods. We regularly improve our teaching methods and developing new digital learning formats.

6. The Triangle of Knowledge: education, research and innovation

In the field of scientific research, DKU builds on its strengths as a network university. He works closely with German universities to develop his research potential. Taking into account social responsibility, research at DKU develops within the framework of the triangle of knowledge: education, research and innovation:

● Education, research and transfer are the three equal pillars of DKU, which are interconnected. Research, education and innovation form a triangle of knowledge at DKU.

● DKU initiates and organizes platforms and networks for the purpose of implementation and integration Kazakh science in the German educational and research sphere. The network interaction is based on strategic partnership with Kazakh and German universities and research organizations.

● To promote young scientists, DKU cooperates with leading German universities that are strong in the field of research.

● DKU contributes to the development of society, as well as participates in dialogue and knowledge exchange with stakeholders in business, society and politics, and cooperates in projects with industry.