Главная Новости В DKU состоялась I Международная научно-практическая конференция «Устойчивое развитие экономики и бизнеса: подходы, проблемы и перспективы»

В DKU состоялась I Международная научно-практическая конференция «Устойчивое развитие экономики и бизнеса: подходы, проблемы и перспективы»

February 16, 2024 the I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Sustainable development of economy and business: approaches, problems and prospects" was held. The conference was organized by the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Kazakh-German University.

In 2015 at the UN summit 17 sustainable development goals were developed. The document with these goals was agreed upon by the leaders of 193 countries of the world. These goals include decent work and economic growth, industrialization, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities, combating climate change and others. Sustainable development is possible with the balance of three main components: economic growth, social responsibility and ecological balance.

The aim of the conference: exchange of experience, research, modern methods and approaches that contribute to the development of sustainable economy and business.

The main directions of the conference (sections):

"Innovative strategies to stimulate sustainable consumer behavior/ new structural changes: transition to sustainable models; "Actual problems of business in the context of global transformation of international economy and finance"; "Evolution of leadership and management practices in the context of the development of sustainable and innovative organizational models". The conference discussed not only the problems and prospects of sustainable economic and business development, but also ways to solve the implementation of sustainable programs. Leading experts from Kazakhstan and such countries as Germany, People's Republic of China, South Africa, USA, Ukraine, Poland, India and others were invited.

The conference was attended by representatives of colleges and universities: School of Economics and Business of China Petroleum University (Beijing), School of Management, School of Economics and Business, School of Management, School of Economics and Business of China University (Beijing). School of Management, Universiti Sains, Malaysia (USM), University of Applied Sciences in Nysa (Poland), Hochschule Zittau-Görlitz HSZG (Gemany), Texas Christian University (USA), National Technical University "Kharkiv polytechnic institute", Durban University of Technology (Republic of South Africa), Mumbai University, Navinchandra Mehta Institute Of Technology And Development (NMITD), Kenzhegali Sagadiev University of International Business (KMB), Turan University, Narkhoz University, Almaty Management University (AlmaU), International Educational Corporation, Kostanai Polytechnic College, College of Industry, Tourism and Hospitality (KITiH), KGKP "Higher Construction and Economic College".

Representatives of such research institutes as the Center for Political Studies of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KISI under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan participated. The representative of national companies JSC "NC "KAZAKH INVEST" and representatives of various companies: JSC "Insurance Company "Halyk", Teachers Lab LLP, FLEISS Software Foundation, "Redprise" LLP, ARPI- Qazaqstan.

During the Conference 12 plenary reports and more than 25 reports were heard within the framework of 3 sections on various topical issues.

Also the results of discussions and work of the conference were summarized. It was decided to hold this conference on an annual basis.

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