Главная Новости Наурыз в DKU

Наурыз в DKU

Dear students, teachers and staff of DKU!

On April 14, we invite you to celebrate the spring holiday - Nauryz at DKU!

Nauryz is the beginning of a new life cycle, it embodies hopes for a better life, good relations with people around you and family members.

Nauryz is a symbol of caring attitude to nature and affirmation of life in harmony with it.

We are waiting for an interesting fair, original concert program from DKU students and invited guests. It will be warm, cozy, hearty and delicious.

Date: Friday, April 14, 2023. Venue: courtyard of the building on Nazarbayev, 173. Time: from 15:00 fair, from 16:00 concert program. We are waiting for everyone!