Главная Новости Конкурс ораторского мастерства 2023

Конкурс ораторского мастерства 2023

On April 10, the Institute of Language Training and Certification held an Oratory Contest among university students!

The participants were students from KIMEP, Abylai Khan KazUMOIMYA, Almay, KNU.

Winners of the competition:

1st place - Tleulieva Antonina (KNU). 2 place - Zhasekenov Alikhan (KNU). 3 place - Krasner Alexander (AlmaU). The special prize of jury received Pastushenko Alisa (KNU).

Partners of the event were:

Representatives of Almaty Toastmasters Club acted as jury members (Aytuar Darbaev, Shahida Abdrasilova) and provided information support. Interpress were our sponsors and provided prizes and information support. Special thanks to presenters Hisamutdinov Ramil and Bakdaulet Abilmansur.

We thank everyone for their participation and congratulate the winners!