Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev spoke at the third session of the National Kurultai "Adal adam - Adal eenbek - Adal tabys"

In his speech, the President highlighted all the important aspects of economic, social and public development of our country, he also voiced a number of important initiatives and proposals.

The President considers the preservation and strengthening of the unity of our people to be the most important thing. In his opinion, intellectuals have a special role to play in this endeavor.

The President also emphasized the key values and principles that should define the image of all Kazakhstanis. These are patriotism and independence, unity of the nation and justice in society, law and order, professionalism and diligence, education and creation. According to the President, following this ideological basis, our country will be able to take a worthy place in the XXI century.

In K.-J. Tokayev's opinion, the key priority of the state policy is also the expansion of the sphere of application of the Kazakh language. Every year the demand for the Kazakh language, which is becoming the language of business, technology and science, is growing.

The President's words about the importance of education were especially echoed by the faculty of the Kazakh-German University. The President said: "To build a progressive state, it is necessary that our citizens embody the desire to create and innovative thinking. That is why we are systematically entrenching the cult of knowledge in society, consistently developing education and science. Relying on human capital, we will be able to realize all the large-scale transformations we have planned".

The staff of the Kazakh-German University fully supports the course of the President to strengthen the unity of the people of Kazakhstan and the large-scale and positive socio-economic development of the country.