The final meeting in the series of DKU and Goethe-Institut events entitled "Tomorrow was late"

Dear friends!

We invite you to the final meeting in the series of events of the DKU and the Goethe-Institut entitled "Tomorrow was too late" / Tomorrow was too late

Date: 19 January 2023.

Time: from 18:30 to 21:00.

Place: Goethe-Institut Library in Kazakhstan, 31 Nauryzbay Batyr Street.

Registration link:

In the programme of the event:

  • Ecologisation of educational institutions in Central Asia: the experience of DKU. Speaker: Ekaterina Gorshkova, Project Specialist, UNESCO Chair in Water Resources Management, DKU.
  • Green Institute: Experience of Goethe-Institut in Kazakhstan. Speaker: Saltanat Ashirova, Eco-specialist of Goethe-Institut in Kazakhstan.
  • "Nudging" to Sustainable Lifestyle. Sustainable Lifestyle. Speaker: Alexander Andriychuk, analyst-sociologist, independent researcher.
  • Coffee break.
  • Workshop: training on sorting rubbish. Experts: Arystan Baltabay, event manager and Aybek Rakhim, director, company.
  • Discussion and summarising.

The series of events tomorrow was too late of the Kazakh-German University and Goethe Institute is a project at the intersection of culture and science dedicated to environmental protection and sustainable development. The project has already held five events with presentations by experts, discussions and film screenings on ecology. The project is also connected with the publication of the book "Tomorrow was late. Environmental Risks of Kazakhstan".

We look forward to seeing you!