Expansion of cooperation with German universities

Kazakhstan-German University, together with Yessenov University, is establishing a German Institute of Engineering in Aktau.

The aim of the cooperation is to create a platform for joint educational projects, research and innovations for sustainable economic and social development of Mangystau.

For this purpose Kazakhstan-German University is developing a network of excellent German technical universities and colleges. The German Institute of Engineering will introduce the world-leading German model of applied engineering education and research in Kazakhstan. The University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (HAW Hamburg), Technical University Berlin (TU Berlin), Technical University of Darmstadt (TUDa) and Technical University Wildau (TH Wildau) form the core of the German university network.

The German Institute of Engineering focuses on developing future technologies for Kazakhstan. The main areas of focus are the production of green hydrogen in Mangystau and support for the development of logistics for the median transportation corridor from China to Europe, via the Caspian Sea. On the topic of green hydrogen, the German Engineering Institute will cooperate with the German-Swedish company SVEVIND, which will build one of the world's largest mega wind and solar energy parks in Mangystau in the coming years.

The governments of Germany and Kazakhstan support this project. Kazakhstan-German University and Yessenov University cooperate closely with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Academic Exchange Service.

The presidents of both universities visited Germany at the end of March to expand the network of German universities.

The first cooperation agreements and declarations of intent to start international programs were signed. Kazakhstan-German University together with Yessenov University will offer a dual-degree bachelor's degree program at the German Institute of Engineering in Energy and Environmental Engineering with HAW Hamburg, and in Logistics with TH Wildau, starting this fall.

During their visit to Germany, the presidents of both universities also visited the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Berlin.