Главная Новости DKU Talks: Публикационная ловушка: насколько эффективны меры по стимулированию публикационной активности в казахстанской науке?

DKU Talks: Публикационная ловушка: насколько эффективны меры по стимулированию публикационной активности в казахстанской науке?

DKU Talks:

**Publishing Trap: How effective are measures to stimulate publication activity in Kazakhstani science? DKU is pleased to invite everyone to the next DKU Talk. This time we will talk about the topic of predatory scientific journals, the growth of which is observed everywhere. Despite their pernicious influence, the number of publications of Kazakhstani scientists in such journals grows from year to year, which has very detrimental consequences for the production of scientific knowledge in the country. So, why Kazakhstani scientists publish their research results in "predatory journals", what political measures to stimulate publication activity have to do with this process, how socio-political decisions in general affect education and science in the country, and why the government's efforts to integrate local scientists into the "world of global science" have not been successful so far. In this DKU Talk, we will discuss these and other issues.

Speaker: Adil Rodionov, Doctor of Sociology (PhD), Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the Lev Gumilev Eurasian National University, and Scientific Director of the Kazakhstan Sociological Laboratory (https://sociologylab.kz/). His research interests lie in quantitative methods of analysis, civil society, research and research policy, and new digital media. His articles have been published in journals such as Europe-Asia Studies, Central Asia Survey, Theory and Society and others.

Date and place: March 07, 2024, 16:30, DKU, #405, Library