Call for applications for the winter semester 2023

Call for applications for the winter semester 2023 DAAD scholarships for a semester stay at a German partner university


The German-Kazakh University (DKU) is the only German university in Central Asia. The basis of this bi-national university is an intergovernmental agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The DKU receives support from Germany in the context of various DAAD projects, financed by the Federal Foreign Office. The funds for the scholarships now to be awarded are also provided by the DAAD. The management of this scholarship project is carried out by the Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the DKU.


As part of the DAAD project "Scholarships for Stays in Germany 2023/24", high-performing students of the DKU are to be offered a semester stay at a German partner university. There they should experience German higher education on site and develop professionally, linguistically and personally.

Type of funding

Scholarships are being advertised for a semester stay at one of the following German partner universities of the DKU and for the specified fields of study:

HAW Hamburg (Environmental and Energy Technology)

Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (Management)

University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden (Business Informatics)

TH Wildau (Logistics/Telematics)

University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz (Finance/Marketing)

Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (International Relations)

The places at the individual universities are sometimes limited to a certain number.

Funding period

01.09.2023 — 31.01.2024

Scope of the scholarship

Monthly scholarship: 934 euros (for 5 months)

One-time travel allowance: 750 Euro

Application deadline

March 10, 2023, 14:00

Requirements for a successful application

You are a bachelor student at the time of application: in the 2nd or 3rd year of study.

In addition:

Knowledge of German at the level B2-C1 or for the field of study "International Relations" Knowledge of English at the level B2-C1

A grade point average of at least 4.0 for the entire period of study


Students can only participate in one program — either in this academic mobility program (semester stay) or in the double degree program.

Documents to be submitted

Letter of motivation

Curriculum vitae with photo

Transcript in English (can be requested from the Office of Academic Affairs)

Proof of language level (can be requested from the language center)

The listed documents must be submitted to the International Office in paper form.

Selection process

The awarding of the scholarships is decided by a selection committee, which is made up of the following representatives:

the DKU University Management

the DAAD Scholarship project of the Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences

the DAAD

The following criteria are used for awarding the scholarships:

professional performance

linguistic performance

Assessment of the specialist coordinators or guest lecturers of the partner universities

The applications for each field of study are processed separately, taking into account the number of available study places. The selection committee first develops a proposal, which is sent to the partner universities in order to receive an assessment of the applicants from them. It is possible that in the course of this, interviews with the applicants will be conducted. After receiving feedback from the partner universities, the selection committee will decide on the awarding of the scholarships.


International Office of the DKU

Contact person: Elena Asmus

Office hours from 9.00 to 18.00 (lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00):

Tel: 355 05 51 (extension -242)
