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Ближайший внутренний вступительный экзамен

Kurmetti talapkerler!

Do not use the 4 mammoth amounts of water.

Doing so may result in fire or electric shock on the 27th day of the week.

It is the 4th year of life in 2023. Date: 15:00. Pishim: offline. Өtetin orny: Nazarbayev ғimaraty, 173. Kabyldau Ushin kajet ekenin eske salamiz:

ҰBT tapsyru. Do not use online tapsyryz. Doing so may cause the device to become uncomfortable and may result in fire or electric shock. Doing so will cause the device to become unstable and may damage the device. Do not touch the device.

Doing so may result in fire or electric shock:

Phone: +7 727 355 05 63. WhatsApp: +7 707 355 05 51. Email: admission@dku.kz Online and Offline Kestesi:

dүsenbі-juma; 9:00-den 18:00-ge deyin (tuski as of 13:00-den 14:00-ge deyin).