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Call for Submission of Articles in the fall issue of the Vestnik of DKU

The Kazakh-German University in Almaty welcomes submission of articles to its fall issue of 'Vestnik of Kazakh-German University' (russ.: Вестник КНУ).
The Vestnik of Kazakh-German University is trilingual, peer reviewed academic journal dedicated to enhancing and promoting research in Central Asia. We welcome submission of articles that focus on the following thematic fields:

  • sustainable development and regional integration in Central Asia;

  • society and culture in Central Asia;

  • political and economic development in Central Asia;

  • foreign policy and international relations in Central Asia;

  • development of engineering and technologies in Central Asia;

  • transport and logistics in Central Asia;

  • ecology, energy efficiency, and water management;

  • development of languages and literature in the region.

Requirements for the manuscript submission

Articles can be sent in English, German, and Russian. The deadline for submission is October 30, 2020. All submitted articles will be evaluated in terms of quality and fit with the requirements of the editorial, and if deemed suitable sent to two external reviewers for review. Authors will be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision as soon as external reviews are available. Articles should be in size of no more than 10,000 words. This word count includes abstract, text, footnotes, references, tables, figures and appendices.

Manuscripts should be submitted via email to contacts specified below, in Word format using Times New Roman, 12 point font, and 1.5 spacing. All pages should be numbered. Each submitted manuscript should have:

(1) title page with the title of the article, author’s name, institutional affiliation, and email address;

(2) an abstract of no more than 100 words at the beginning of the article;

(3) a clear structure (i.e. introduction, main part, and conclusion);

(4) bibliography attached at the end of the article.

All references in the text should be provided using the Harvard system for published works, i.e. authors' name, date of publication, and page numbers (if required) in brackets in the text. For more details please refer to the reference section at the journal's website (https://dku.kz/ru/content/view/?slug=nauchnyye-publikatsii-dku&tab=1). Tables and figures must be prepared on separate pages and not included as part of the main text. The approximate position of tables and figures should be indicated in the manuscript. Please note that editors can only accept those manuscripts that went through a thorough language editing process. The editors reserve the right to reject those manuscripts that do not conform to the mentioned format requirements.

If you have any questions, please contact the editorial team at: vestnik@dku.kz
