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Colloquium «Collaboration on Sustainable development and Responding to Climate Change in Central Asia and Afghanistan»


Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research (CAJSCR) & DKU CRS invite young professionals to take part in the «Collaboration on Sustainable development and Responding to Climate Change in Central Asia and Afghanistan” Colloquium, held on January 17th, 2023.

DETAILS: The goal of the Colloquium is to help with the professional development of young scholars by discussing their research in a constructive international atmosphere. The Colloquium will be based on papers submitted by the participants. The young researchers will have feedback from experienced scholars. In addition, they’ll share tips for writing a successful paper.


  • Applicants should submit an abstract of 300 words that outlines the topic, rationale, theoretical approach, and, if applicable, empirical application. It is also advisable to inform whether the submitted piece is part of a compilation dissertation (article-based dissertation) or part of a monograph dissertation (chapter, overview). Every abstract should include the name and affiliation of a young scholar.
  • Deadline for abstract submission: 18:00 Almaty time (GMTA +5) on Friday, December 5th, 2022.
  • Please send your submission via the following link t.ly/MXVx

Abstracts should be written in English, covering Central Asia and/or Afghanistan with reference to one of the themes:

  1. Climate, Energy.
  2. Land and Agriculture.
  3. Sustainability.
  4. Sustainable education.
  5. Global commons.
  6. Planetary boundaries.


  • Abstracts submission: by December 5th, 2022
  • Abstracts evaluation: by December 22nd, 2022.
  • The online Colloquium will be held on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023.

For more information on the journal, see cajscr.com/

We are excited to read your abstracts!
