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About Department

KGU is actively involved in scientific activity connected with sustainable development of the Central Asian region emphasizing on environmental problems and efficient use of natural resources.

The main research areas are:

  • Structural changes in the economy and society;
  • Integration processes in the world economy and politics;
  • Security issues and key foreign policy orientations;
  • Efficient use of water resources;
  • Current trends in the field of energy and environmental policy;
  • Logistics and transport;
  • Information technology;
  • Psychology, logic, linguistics, and philosophy.

Research activity at KGU is supervised by the Department of Science and Innovative activities. It organizes, coordinates and conducts the analysis research, development and innovation works.

The main areas of work of the Department are effective use of scientific and intellectual potential of KGU, comprehensive development of research and production activities, improvement of education quality, organization of innovation activities, implementation of scientific and technical educational programmes and strengthening cooperation in the field of science and innovation.