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We are launching the FLASHMOB!

Spring is in the air and it’s high time for new things to come!

According to the tradition, we, Kazakhstanis, will be celebrating Nauryz for a month!

And even though this year we will not be able to get physically together as large multinational company, there is an opportunity to show how united we are on social networks! Push boundaries and get closer to each other mentally!

Kazakh-German University launches a flash mob: #NauryzvmestesDKU

Share your wishes in the videos and the more people participate the better it is!

Do you want to get involved? Then follow three simple requirements!

Write down a short greeting from each member of your group;

Edit a short video with all participants;

Post the video on your pages on social networks (Facebook / Instagram) with the mention of @dkukz page and the hashtags # Nauryzvmestes DKU and #DKUfamily

For the most original video greetings, we prepared pleasant gifts from our university!

Shake the internet with positive! Fill the network with good wishes!
