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Important information: switch to distance learning!

Dear students!

On the basis of the letter from the Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, M. Dulenov No. 4−14−5 / 1026-I dated March 12, 2020 and the DKU Academic Order activity number 20 / 43−3 from March 12, 2020, the teaching of students in the period from 03.16.2020 to 05.04.2020 is switched to the distance form in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19 (2019-nCov),.

Students should enable distance learning at home (a personal computer or a laptop connected to the Internet, headphones with a microphone, preferably webcams should be available).

After normal learning regime has been resumed, all students must be on time in the classroom, according to the schedule.

For the period of distance learning students should constantly check e-mails and keep in touch with the university.

If you have technical questions, contact the IT support service ( Instructions for entering the distance learning system and working in it will be sent additionally.
