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Attention military department!

The military department at KazUMO JSC and Abylai Khan MJ JSC announces the application process starting from February 3, 2020 for students (boys and girls) who wish to participate in the competitive selection for training at the military department.

Documents are accepted from students of the 1st and 2nd year of study and college graduates — students of the 2019 enrollment university.

The first stage of the competition (medical examination) must be completed before May 29, 2020.

To participate in the competitive selection you should come to the military department at the address 5 ULC, Dosmukhamedova street, 15 (corner of Gogol and Sharipov streets).


copy of identity card

certificate from the DSP with the indication of the faculty, course of study and specialty

3x4 photo

for boys — a copy of the registration certificate

2 files for documents

Additional information can be obtained by calling: 233−78−68, 8 701 400 65 443.
